How's everyone doing? I hope you all enjoyed the last solar recipe I shared! It has been a blast testing out different meals in our evacuated tube solar cooker!!
I started recipe development in the Summer months of 2020. I continued to develop recipes through the fall and now through winter despite the cold temperatures and snow. I am here to tell you YOU CAN and it is possible to solar cook all year round!
When using the cooker in below zero conditions with snow on the ground for the first time back in December, I anticipated the cook time to be much longer than what I experienced. In the summer it is fascinating to witness the heat produced by the simple machine but in the winter it's magical!
Yes, you are constrained by how much sunlight is available. Yes, it isn't always convenient. Yes, it may take a bit longer to cook some meals but I believe solar cooking allows us to practice intentional cooking and patience in a world where we already have so much convenience. Solar cooking can be integrated into our lives to allow for a balance between gas/electricity use and use of a renewable resource - the sun.
Each and every time I sit down to enjoy these solar cooked meals with my roommate, family and work colleagues, I am blown away that I was able to do so using only the power of the sun.
On that note, by chance you are fairly new to solar cooking and just happened to end up on this blog by fluke, check out this short read on our Canadian manufactured cooker and how it works!
If you're an experienced solar cooker, welcome! I would love to hear what you have been cooking in your solar cooker and what kind of solar cooker you're using!
Without further a-do, I am very excited to share this super-simple-solar-salmon recipe with you!! Now... try saying that three times fast.
For this recipe you will need:
Lemon Herb Salmon With Sweet Potatoes
Prep Time: 10 minutes Cook Time: 1 hour 15 minutes (less or more depending on quality and quantity of sunshine and size of fillets) Total Time: 1 hour and 25 minutes Serves: 2 Ingredients:
Enjoy! ![]()