How do the Glenergy Solar Cookers Work?

October 23, 2020

How do the Glenergy Solar Cookers Work?


Solar cooking using a vacuum tube cooker may sound intimidating, but we'll explain in simple terms how these robust machines work in this brief post.


person cooking with solar cooker



The Glenergy solar vacuum tube cookers are unique in their reliability and low light performance and can reach temperatures above 500˚F (260˚).

Heat is generated in the tube by the parabolic reflectors. 


These reflectors concentrate the sun’s rays onto the vacuum tube from different angles. With even more reach from our reflector extensions, the cooker heats up quicker, because they help to concentrate more rays onto the tube.

The vacuum tube is a great insulator of heat, as convection is prevented in the absence of air.  The tube itself is made from borosilicate glass.

Inside the vacuum there are three layers that convert sunlight into heat:

  • aluminum nitride,
  • stainless steel and, and
  • copper.

These materials do not come in contact with your food but they do work together to trap incoming light which allows your food to cook in light overcast.  

That last thing that really effects the cook time for your solar meals is the aim of the cooker. You want the sun dial directed straight at the sun so you can't see its shadow.

For optimal results, take a look at our turntables for easy aiming!